Progression is a process applies to existing international students who intend to continue their studies to a higher level at the current IPT or other IPT after graduation at the current IPT. The process only applies to the international student who are currently in Malaysia at the time of the progression application. This process will change the status of the existing student to the status of a new student based on the new program of study.

International students who wish to apply for progression (from Tamhidi to Bachelor/from Bachelor to Master/from Master to PhD) must first receive the approval for a new visa from the Department of Immigration Malaysia (IMM).


The international student must submit all related documents to USIM ‘Alamiyyah via email or walk in to UA counter.

  1. Letter of Offer from USIM that prove your eligibility to continue your studies.
  2. Release Letter, Academic Transcript, Certificates and Attendance Report from previous institution.
  3. A copy of passport that contains information pages, student pass page including expired pass and active pass, pages that have passport records used from travels (stamps from KLIA). An additional, passport must have more than 18 months’ validity.
  4. Passport photo with white background and the format size photo must be 4.5cm x 3.5cm.
  5. Receipt payment to USIM Bursary account and EMGS account. USIM admission fees and EMGS student pass process and insurance application.
  6. Fulfill health declaration form and submit to UA. You will be providing Health Declaration Form for student pass purpose.


All related documents for Progression application submitted from the international student will be applied by the representative from UA in the Education Malaysia Global Services (EMGS) system called STARS. Student is allowed to stay in Malaysia within this process.

  1. Original passport submission to USIM ‘Alamiyyah counter for the special pass application with IMM Seremban. This process will take 7 working days.
  2. UA will send EMGS Approval Letter to student allowing  to enroll in the USIM via Online Study.
  3. UA will send the VAL to student for a face to face registration with Centre for Marketing and Student Admission.
  4. Student needs to go for a medical check-up with USIM Policlinic afterwards.
  5. Passport and EMGS Supporting Letter will be submitted to Immigration Department of Malaysia (IMM) Seremban, Negeri Sembilan for the sticker endorsement of student pass/visa.

Please refer to FAQ for more details.


According to Malaysian immigration regulations, any students who already graduated, the student pass must be cancelled and they must be returned to the home country. If the student already got admission, you have to apply progression right after received a senate letter confirming your graduation from USIM (only applicable programme by research-mode). We strongly advised student to cancel a Master Pass and apply a new VAL for PhD from home country.

No. If you wish to change your institution (i.e. degree program at USIM) you will be required to leave the country and make a new application.

Kindly get release letter and examination result from the XYZ University. Please note that you need to shorten the current student pass and apply online for a new Visa Approval Letter (VAL) under USIM. Please take note, approval of new VAL is subject to Immigration discretion. Student are not allowed to register at USIM until get approval VAL. You may ask to leave the country until your new VAL is approved. USIM are advised student to apply a new VAL from home country.

You have to apply a new programme and must get approval from Academic Office. Then, you must cancellation of your current student pass and make new application for VAL on new programme. You are advised to return to home country while waiting new VAL approved by Immigration. Do contact the USIM ‘Alamiyyah for further details.

If your application for variation/ progression is rejected by EMGS/ Immigration Department of Malaysia, you are required to defer your studies and return to your home country. You will be required to apply for a new student pass.



If you have any inquiries about visa, please email to