On July 27, 2023, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) from Brunei visited Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). The primary objective of this visit was to gain insights into the teaching methodologies employed by USIM’s Faculty of Quran and Sunnah Studies (FPQS), particularly in the realm of Islamic studies and the al-Quran program.

As part of the explanation, FPQS shared a comprehensive presentation detailing the advancements, activities, research endeavours, and distinctive programs that the faculty has successfully implemented. Following the presentation, the UNISSA delegation was graciously extended an invitation to tour FPQS facilities, including the Hadith Lab, Braille Lab, classrooms, and other relevant spaces. This on-site visit aimed to provide the UNISSA representatives with a first-hand experience of the state-of-the-art amenities and learning environment available at FPQS.

In addition to these developments, the representatives from UNISSA and USIM engaged in discussions about potential collaborations in various other domains. This dialogue was facilitated by the already-established networking relationship between the two institutions, which has previously resulted in mutually beneficial endeavours such as three matching grants, joint book publications, and exchange student programs. These successful initiatives serve as a testament to the strong foundation of cooperation between UNISSA and USIM, paving the way for further fruitful collaborations in the future.

The Rector of UNISSA Yang Mulia Dr Hj Norarfan bin Hj Zainal further extended their generosity by providing 140 copies of the al-Quran, intended for distribution to each Head of Department at USIM.